Drawing Club

I’ve always wanted to draw. But I’ve never spent the time to learn how. I decided to change that. At the beginning of June I started Drawing Club. There are currently two members of Drawing Club, my friend Kerry and I. Expansion is a possibility but for now it’s just the two of us.

The goal of drawing club is to learn how to draw by committing to draw every day.

Drawing Club has a few rules:

  • You must draw for twenty minutes a day (a day is defined by “before you go to bed that night”)
  • You can draw whatever you want
  • You must take a photo of what you drew and send it via text to every other member of the club.
  • If you don’t draw that day, you must buy every other member of the club a pizza
  • The only exceptions to not drawing are: if you are sick, or if you officially request some time off from Drawing Club through the proper channels (text message)

That’s it. Those are the rules.

So far it is going great. Neither one of has missed a day. I am looking forward to when Kerry misses a day so she will have to buy me a pizza.

I am surprised by how quickly twenty minutes flies by when in drawing mode. I’m also surprised at how long it takes me to draw stuff.  Sometimes when the timer goes off I look at my drawing and say, “That’s it?!”.

This is my favorite drawing so far.

“All Business Gonzo”

all business gonzo

I just started reading this book called You Can Draw In 30 Days by Mark Kistler.  In the second paragraph it says that if I practice drawing twenty minutes a day, I can learn how to draw “amazing pictures”. Which happens to be the exact amount of drawing time I need to complete my Drawing Club duties. I’m pretty sure this is the right book for me.

youCanDrawIn30Days web

Here’s the first “amazing picture” I drew from doing lesson 1 in the book. It is some rocks and an apple… I think?

lesson1 web


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