Mike Votava and The Ding Dongs are playing a show on July 30th at Darrell’s Tavern. I couldn’t be more excited about it.
I hope you can make it to the show!
Here is the poster I designed.
I wanted it to have an old-school fun summertime party kind of vibe. My original idea was to feature a photo of people rolllkersakting on the beach. My image search lead me to this photo of a woman with roller skates on her hands and feet. I thought it was too funny not to use so I just went with it.
I cut the lady out of the background.
And then I added some sketch effects before dropping the image into the middle of my poster design
I think it is pretty pretty pretty good!
Overall I’m really happy with how the poster turned out. The blue / red / yellowish / color scheme has a lot of great contrast to it.
Please come out to the show on July 30th. I”m not begging you, but I will beg if you ask me to.