Mikevotava.com is proud to present the EXCLUSIVE WORLD PREMIERE of my new song “Little Girl In A Mailbox”. This is the second song off of my new album One In A Row.
What’s this song about? Well… “Little Girl In A Mailbox” is about a little girl in a mailbox. What she is doing in the mailbox is unclear, but that is definitely where she is. No doubt about it. I say it a bunch of times in the song. It’s pretty much the only thing I say.
Now, please enjoy the EXCLUSIVE WORLD PREMIERE of “Little Girl In A Mailbox”
Bonus Song Nugget #1
“Little Girl” gets used a lot in rock songs.
Rock and Roll has a long strange history of using the phrase “little girl” in pop-rock songs. Here is just one example, the song “Set Me Free” by The Kinks.
I think “little girl” is meant to be a term of endearment but it seems like strange/creepy way for a man to refer to a lady.
Bonus Song Nugget #2
“Little Boy” does not get used in a lot of rock songs.
The phrase “little boy” almost never gets used in rock songs. I wonder why that is.
Off the top of my head I can only think of one instance where it is used. The song “Little Boy In A Jar” by Seattle-based artist Mike Votava.
Little Girl In A Mailbox
by Mike Votava
little girl you can fit inside a mailbox
don’t get mailed alive
little girl in a mailbox
a box that’s built for mail
little girl in a mailbox
what are you doing in there
little girl you can fit inside a mailbox
a fact you can’t deny